Thursday, 23 February 2012

Buy Better Challenge 2012

Month two of my Buy Better Challenge is progressing well, I fed my fashion hunger In late January when I managed to find a little gem of a pleated skirt in my local charity shop, Wessex Cancer Trust. As I parted with £10 I could not help feeling a little smug, bang on trend on three accounts, cobalt blue, pleated and midi. Together with a yellow printed scarf I got free with a purchase in Oxfam, I consider January a roaring success.

Into February and I am presented with a tough challenge in High street store Cos. I fear Jess Cartner-Morley's Saturday column "How to dress" entitled" Hot around the collar" in late January to be the trigger.  She discusses the merits of changing the tone of an outfit with the introduction of a contrast collar, I felt the old rush of a must have purchase creeping on. She goes on to suggest a removable collar can change the look of any outfit, practical and multifunctional hmm.... I like that. A week later the chance purchase thrust itself upon me as I spied a white collar poking out mischievously from the abundantly clothed rail in Cos. I must confess my brain is a fast learner, before I had even picked the beauty from the rail, I was working out how I could make one! Pleased with myself I exited the shop ready to pontificate to all who would listen, that I was to embark on making a collar or two. I hasten to add, no such collars have been stitched up in my household, and not likely to do in the near future. Such obstacles like lack of time, due to work commitments, family etc are to blame. Happily my memory is still working overtime and wants to delve into my box of liberty fabric and see what I can cobble together. Oh well I can but dream and if it saves me from dangerous purchase encounters, I'll carry on pondering! 

Cos store - Covent Garden London

Contrast Collar at  
Contrast Collar at Antipodium found at

Back in the days when I was a free buying lady, I would have happily snapped up a Mary Kantrantzou number currently sold out at Topshop, the printed trouser had my name on it. A truly gorgeous range, that sadly will not feature in my wardrobe this season. And Marni coming to H&M on the 8th March, now that range is going to give me some serious heartache. I loooove Marni, I need a plan, my birthday is coming up, this calls for some serious persuasion of certain persons to gift me an item, it has to be done, I cannot surely miss Marni? Can I?........

As February draws to a close I may have to bank this months vintage purchase and use it in March? No such gorgeousness has presented itself. Perhaps because I am learning to adjust and craft a careful curated eye that buys better not more of.

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