Thursday, 24 April 2014

One Year On from The Rana Plaza Disaster - Let us Remember

Today is one year on from the Rana Plaza disaster. 1,133 people died when a garment factory collapsed in Dhaka in Bangledesh and 2500 people were injured. We are all connected to this disaster whether we like it or not. Because we all buy clothes. Regardless of whether you bought clothes from the businesses working in Rana Plaza or not, the fact is that consumers and retailers need to take responsibility and question where and who makes the clothes.  The fashion industry has a responsibility across all business models to stop and question current practices. Over consumption and low prices are two of the key factors that force people into working in horrific conditions like Rana Plaza. We all have the power to change the business of fashion. As a collective we can make a difference. I hope that the deaths and injuries of the people in Bangladesh are never repeated in any garment factory anywhere. 'Let us be the change we want to see in the world'. (Gandhi)

Rana Plaza 24th April 2013

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