Tuesday, 3 February 2015

DCA supports The Phoenix Foundation

A young boy being treated for burns after being bombed by an incendiary device. Photo copyright of Salyha Ahsan

Deborah Campbell Atelier are proud to collaborate with The Phoenix Foundation. The Phoenix Foundation is a medical organisation established to care for children who have suffered burns as a consequence of war. This includes the provision of essential medical equipment, the training of medical staff and support for the long-term rehabilitation required in the recovery of burns victims.

We are proud supporters of the work The Phoenix Foundation plan to undertake, because surprisingly such basic medical equipment is non existent in many war zones and shockingly children are prime targets with increasing numbers of schools and hospitals being bombed. Children are at greater risk of dying from severe burns than adults. They suffer terrible disabilities from burns which, without the correct medical, surgical and psychological interventions, they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. If they survive the initial injury they are at risk of life-threatening infections.

Deborah Campbell Atelier's mission is to donate 20% of the profit from the sale of each of the 'Bee The Change' tee-shirts. This donation will help The Phoenix Foundation do two things.

         1. To supply Phoenix Foundation Burns Boxes to every relevant medical facility in conflict zones particularly where the use of incendiary devices and thermal bombs are common.
         2. To create and supply basic first aid burns care training through electronic media such as USBs carried within the burns boxes.
The Phoenix Foundation do not intend to stop here, for their long term goals and for a stronger understanding of their future intentions visit,  http://www.thephoenixfoundation.org.uk

Dr Saleyha Ahsan, the CEO of The Phoenix Foundation has seen at first hand the traumatic effects on children who were badly burned by an incendiary bomb. They were brought into her medical facility in Syria, when she was working with a team of medics & being filmed by journalists for BBC's Panorama. The lack of equipment intensified the suffering of the victims and in most cases she could do nothing to help relieve the pain from these terrified children. From that experience in 2013, it has been her mission to set up a foundation that can deliver the basic medical burns equipment to help diminish the suffering of children who are so often the innocent victims of conflict. Catherine Skinner, Nikki Beckett and Polly Bell-Hughes are the other founding members, all incredibly committed and who helped pull together the launch at The Palace of Westminster last Tuesday. 

Saleyha Ahsan, Catherine Skinner, Nikki Beckett, Deborah Campbell and Polly Bell- Huges at  The Phoenix Foundation Launch at the Palace of Westminster 27th January 2015 Photo by Berties photography www.bertiesphotography.com

The event was a great success, with speeches from Mr David Knott a vascular surgeon who works for Doctors without borders and has vast experience working within conflict zones. War Child CEO Rob Williams who spoke of their logistical and experienced support they will provide to get the burns boxes out to the effected areas. Anna MacDonald of Play for Progress, an NGO that delivers sustainable music-focused education programs for children whose education and well-being have been compromised by conflict performed one of her own compositions - a beautiful piece that brought tears to a few eyes. Desmond Swayne minister of state for international development made an impassioned speech about his support for The Phoenix Foundation and presented the founders with a letter of congratulations and good luck from David Cameron PM.  For more information about other key supporters visit www.thephoenixfoundation.org.uk 

Mr David Knott supporter of The Phoenix Foundation photo by www.bertiesphotography.com

Purchase a 'Bee The Change Tee-shirt and help the founders supply burns boxes to every relevant medical facility in conflict zones where the use of incendiary devices and thermal bombs are common. Visit www.deborahcampbellatelier.com

"Bee The Change" you wish to see in the world, give hope to the children and their families.


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